
We’re powered by people like you, not big businesses, billionaires or vested interests

Your donation will help us get Greens elected in Northamptonshire

The Green Party is funded through donations by individuals like you. We don’t take donations from businesses that are trying to sway our politics. Politics is about people, and delivering a society that puts them first. This means we are your partner and can act better in your interests rather than what big businesses want. Can you donate to help us get Greens elected?

You can donate directly into our bank account via bank transfer or by setting up a regular standing order. Our bank details are:

Account name: Northampton Green Party

Account number 20017879

Sort code: 60-83-01

Send a cheque made payable to ‘Northampton Green Party’ to:

Northamptonshire Green Party
38 Waverley Road, Kettering, NN15 6NT

Donate Online
Set up a regular donation using the below secure form:

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