Welcome to Northamptonshire Green Party

The official Green party website for North Northants & West Northants

Local elections are happening in May 2025

Both North Northants & West Northants Councils are holding local elections. The Green Party is (once again) hoping to stand a record number of candidates. Be sure to register to vote by Friday the 11th April. It only takes a few seconds, and you only need your national insurance number.

Details are coming soon. Be sure to follow us on Bluesky & Mastodon to be the first to hear info.

For press and media enquiries, please use our contact form.

If you’re a resident of Kettering, please visit the Kettering Green Party website.

For all other areas, please use the find your local party tool.

We’re working hard to improve Northamptonshire, such as…


Regularly holding litter picks to make the area clean and safe for local residents.


Surveying residents in ongoing basis to find out what local issues are important, to identify problems in the area.


Protecting local trees and encouraging more to be planted. Cleaning up the air, and help with soil health


Planting wildflowers to increase biodiversity to help the bees and other pollinators.


Helping improve active travel and public transport to reduce air pollution and congestion.

👇Our latest litter picks 👇

👆Cleaning up local areas👆

👇Being active in your area👆


Find out what we’ve been up to, about issues in your area, and see the work we’ve done in the past.

Feeling inspired? Join Us

The Green Party is the political party of the climate and environmental movement, and we need you to join the party of the future.

We would love for you to join us.

Get involved to help get Greens elected.

A Green Councillor can make a world of difference to your local area.

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